Virtual Assistant Services Hackney

How much does a Virtual Assistant cost? 

Great question! It’s one we get asked a lot and one that we will answer for you today… 
But, before we get too deep, let’s reframe the question. 
How much does it cost you NOT having a Virtual Assistant? 
It’s not really about what a Virtual Assistant’s rates are, it’s much more about what you can earn or achieve in the time that your Virtual Assistant is giving you back. 
If you could save two days a month NOT doing your admin, what would that mean to you? 
It’s not ALWAYS about just making money either. What price would you put on having your evenings and weekends ‘business free’? 
In our recent client wide annual survey, we asked what the most significant result of being supported by our family run, award-winning and trusted Virtual Assistant family was and our incredible clients said: 
1. More headspace 
2. More time created 
3. More projects completed 
It’s tricky to put a price on the top two as they’re quite intangible. However, if you had the capability to complete more projects within your business, it’d be difficult NOT to improve your productivity, outputs and in turn your income… surely? 
Virtual PA Franchise UK
How much does it cost to hire a Virtual Assistant? 
At the time of writing this blog the UK average rate for a self-employed Virtual Assistant is £27 per hour according to the UK Society of Virtual Assistants’ latest industry wide survey. 
We talk about the vast benefits of being supported by a professional, experienced Virtual Assistant quite a lot here on our blog. This past post would be a great starting point if you’re not sure of the main benefits and drawbacks. 
In contrast, you can gain the support of an ‘offshore’ Virtual Assistant from as little as £5 per hour. Some of the main drawbacks with this option are the challenges that commonly arise regarding time differences and language barriers as well as the safe and secure transfer of personal or sensitive data outside of the UK. 
Or you could decide that remote business support isn’t for you and opt to recruit and employ the ‘traditional’ way. But in taking this option it’s worth understanding the real cost of recruitment. 
When you factor in office space, equipment, software and subscriptions, training, holiday pay, pensions, tax and NI contributions as well as the time and fees associated with recruitment itself. The ‘true’ cost of recruitment can easily be DOUBLE that of the salary paid. 
By hiring a professional Virtual Assistant, you don’t have to worry about any of these ‘hidden’ costs or logistics. 
Virtual Assistant support with Alchemy VA starts from as little as £200 + VAT per month. If you’re not sure about how to get started with a Virtual Assistant, what to ask them to focus on or how it all works – get in touch! or 01604 312195 
To discover more about Virtual Assistant franchise opportunities with Alchemy VA, please get in touch. 
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