PODCAST - Episode 8: Greg Davies - Why is it that we're embarrassed by success?
Posted on 23rd February 2024 at 15:26
The Alchemy of Alignment Podcast Episode 8: Best Selling Author, Keynote & Inspirational Speaker & Small Business Referral Specialist, Greg Davies. The real secrets to success and purpose...
Why is it that in the UK, we’re embarrassed by success?
Greg Davies is a best-selling author, world renowned keynote speaker and one of the most prominent advocates for helping others reach their potential.
His work through the global BNI network focuses on cheering on one another and how collaborating rather than competing can push everyone to find their purpose.
In this conversation, we cover eye-opening topics such as the importance of celebrating those who succeed, knowing when to share your energy, putting yourself out there to find opportunities, and, ultimately, having zero regrets.
Tune into this latest episode of the Alchemy of Alignment Podcast for a feel-good, motivational boost to your day...
Let's dive into the real secrets to success and purpose from best-selling author Greg Davies...

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Huge thanks to our podcast sponsor, digital design experts DeType.
DeType are a leading creative and digital agency based in Northamptonshire. The highly skilled and vastly experienced DeType team work smart to enhance your business ideas and evolution through bespoke websites, bold branding and video content.
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