VA TIPS - The Alchemy VA family share creative ways to win at juggling it all this summer
Posted on 4th August 2021 at 19:55
It can be challenging enough nurturing and growing a business at the best of times!
This summer, we've not only got the school holidays to contend with. We are all still re-calibrating and learning how to live with COVID as well! Here at Alchemy, our professional Virtual Assistant team are incredibly skilled and well seasoned at not only striking a healthy, happy and productive balance for themselves but for our inspiring clients too.
So, here are our top tips for juggling it all this summer and beyond...
Drop the guilt! Gently train yourself to feel proud instead of guilty. After all you are setting a great example and instilling a solid work ethic in your children.
Snacks, snacks and more snacks! Set up a tuck shop and give the kids a budget each day so they can help themselves and pay as they go. Keeping them out from under your feet and sharpening their maths skills at the same time.
Ask for help from your support network - however it's made up. Know that you're not alone.
Get other kids involved, let the kids have friends over - they will keep themselves entertained longer, they even go longer between snacks and... fingers crossed the favour will be reciprocated.
Snacks, snacks and more snacks...
Remember that kids don't view time as we do - it's very much quality over quantity.
Get up early and make the opportunity to plan your day and get your priority tasks done.
Or dedicate a portion of your evenings to planning and priorities if you're not an early bird.
Batch your tasks - check out our past blog on this cool technique that's a bit like meditation for your work flow.
Manage expectations carefully. Communicate with your clients and tell them about your childcare situation (or lack of!) and let them know you may not be as available as you normally are. Besides, hasn't this awful pandemic taught us all to be a bit more human.
Did we already cover snacks?
Go easy on yourself and set your own expectations low. Accept that you won't be as productive as usual and that's more than OK. Applying loads of unnecessary pressure isn't going to make your 'to do' list any shorter.
Sure, get yourself and the kids out every day for some fresh air and to be in nature but be sure to welcome and embrace that rare peace and quiet that only comes with screen time.
Get the kids involved - explain, show and teach them what you do! Give them the opportunity and responsibility to help you out. Even if it's a simple spreadsheet or the shredding.
Lastly, don't juggle if you can help it! Get out there and enjoy the summer with your little people.
Reach out and discover how an Alchemy Virtual Assistant could benefit you and your business. We understand and we've helped countless ambitious, purpose filled passionate people just like you strike a happier, healthier and more productive balance...

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