VA TIPS - Learn to let go and stay in control
Posted on 15th January 2020 at 16:13
Learn to let go and stay in control - simple secrets to successful delegation
When you’re your own boss, you make the rules and no one can deny the buzz you get when you know that you’re creating your own destiny.
But there’s always a 'but', right...?
As great as being your own boss is, there’s a lot of obvious drawbacks, such as having to wear ALL the hats ALL the time!
You're the Managing Director, administrator, credit control, the marketing team, sales, service delivery, IT, legal, business development... the list goes on.
We all have a limited amount of time and energy.
When you’re being everything to everyone all the time, it gets exhausting. Your business suffers and you suffer!
To most service based businesses, time is money. So when you’re (for example) dedicating time and headspace to researching, planning and creating content for your social media platforms for the upcoming month - you’re not making money!
Obvious, I know. Necessary and frustrating? Yes.
Successful leaders in the corporate world know the critical importance of delegating well. There’s a whole chain reaction of reasons and benefits from empowering people to boosting team morale. From improved productivity and efficiency levels to healthy profit and loss sheets.
But to the small business owner, good delegation is much more difficult to understand and adopt. For many reasons but mostly because everything is much more personal.
But here’s what you can do...

Alchemy VA's simple secrets to successful delegation helping you to learn to let go AND stay in control
Take the time to distinguish (and clearly define) what you can delegate and what only YOU can do
Pick the right person to entrust the work too. You may like to read our post on how to hire the perfect Virtual Assistant
Communicate clearly the desired end result or outcome. What specifically is it that you want to achieve by delegating these tasks?
Start small. Pass one or two simple or tasks to start with and go from there. Trust takes time to build. Taking a slow and steady approach means your left feeling calm and in control
Explain the different elements to the work, the bigger picture. What impact it has, what you’ve learned and overcome by doing it and lay out what your expectations are
Ask questions to check you’re both on the same page. Have your needs been understood correctly?
Be available and committed to come together to discuss process, challenges and potential improvements
Ensure the right resources, tools, software and access are readily available
Be accountable. Make sure all parties are honouring their commitments. It’s a two way thing
Recognise (and communicate) efforts and shared successes. Enjoy the process and the results equally!

In our experience, no-one ever feels truly ready to let go of important tasks that are crucial to the success of their business.
It can feel like another huge leap of faith.
Our team of friendly, professional Virtual Assistant's are here to help, support and guide you every step of the way.
Reach out and let's chat about what's stopping you from enjoying the Virtual Assistant support both you and your business deserve...
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