VA TIPS - four powerful tips to get maximum impact from your new VA
Posted on 21st June 2020 at 21:36
Here are four powerful tips to help you get maximum impact from your new Virtual Assistant.
You’ve taken your time to ensure that your Virtual Assistant is the right fit for you and your business from both a skills/experience AND mindset/attitude point of view.
If you’re not there yet and you’d like some help or inspiration with this bit, you should definitely check out our past post, how to hire the perfect Virtual Assistant.
Now you’re good to go.
It’s time to kick back and let the magic happen... right?
Well, yes and no! Like any business relationship (or new team member), it can take a little time for you both to build a slick, effective and fun working relationship.
We work closely with our clients to guide them through this part of the process in a way that’s best for them. We draw on our collective experiences onboarding scores of wonderful clients over the years to be as hands on and (or off) as we need to be. As we’re sure you’ll agree, when onboarding a new client in your business the whole process and experience absolutely has to be positive and efficient.
But if you’re not yet working with an Alchemy Virtual Assistant or you’ve not made a decision on your new super hero sidekick, you can follow our four simple, yet powerful tips to navigate this process with ease and grace:
Virtual Assistant tip one: Set boundaries AND expectations.
Be crystal clear on what you need, when you need it by and how you want things done.
All of our clients have meticulously high standards, we understand.
Being as transparent and open as you can really helps your Virtual Assistant plan and schedule your tasks - meaning that you get maximum time and cost efficiency.
Go as deep as you can here, make sure your Virtual Assistant knows your working hours, commitments and how (and when) you like to be communicated with.
Virtual Assistant tip two: Knowledge (and access) is Power
A professional Alchemy Virtual Assistant will hold you accountable for the commitments you make to yourself and your business. But you can help get them flying off the starting blocks by being open to thinking a few steps ahead.
For example, if your Virtual Assistant needs access to a certain system or file, you’re going to need to action it in good time to prevent things getting backed up. It may seem obvious but getting your Virtual Assistant's access and/or permissions set up at the start of the relationship means that you never need to worry. Obviously Data Protection regulations must always be adhered to when transferring data and information securely.
We’re registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection purposes.
Virtual Assistant tip three: Plan ahead as much as you can.
It may seem like a distant dream that you’re planning weeks or even months ahead instead of day to day firefighting but that day will come.
Your Virtual Assistant will want to get you there as soon as practically and physically possible!
So, why not get in that headspace now and inform your Virtual Assistant of what’s around the corner so they can set reminders or simply block time out at the best time to help you.
Yes, there is an element of reacting your Virtual Assistant will need to do but if you want the most impact and value for your money - plan ahead as much as you can.
Virtual Assistant tip four: Keep your Virtual Assistant in the loop and out of the dark.
The more informed and aware your Virtual Assistant is, the more value they can bring.
When we welcome a new client to the Alchemy Virtual Assistant family, we agree how and when to communicate. It might be once a week to start with - whilst we work hard to get things embedded. It might be once a month - to discuss and plan the tasks for the month ahead. Or it might be never, we get what we need and crack on behind the scenes.
Each business owner and business is so different. Our Virtual Assistants are highly skilled and committed, a different breed entirely, but their crystal ball gazing skills aren’t always on point....
For more inspiration on how a professional Alchemy Virtual Assistant can support you, check out our previous post top tasks to outsource to a Virtual Assistant.
Get in touch to learn more about what makes our Virtual Assistant services for entrepreneurs and small enterprising businesses so impactful.
01604 312195
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