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There are several well known individuals who are reported to outsource tasks to virtual assistants in order to manage their busy schedules and personal affairs. 
Let us explore how a few of those world renowned business leaders reportedly leverage remote teams to streamline their lives and maximise their impact… 
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1. Tim Ferriss: author, entrepreneur, and public speaker.  
Tim Ferriss, who made the list of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People,” is well known for his book "The 4-Hour Workweek" which discusses outsourcing and delegating tasks to achieve greater efficiencies. 
2. Arianna Huffington: The co-founder of The Huffington Post.  
Arianna is a world renowned media personality and is known to have utilised virtual assistants to manage her day-to-day activities. 
3. Richard Branson: the founder of Virgin Group.  
Richard Branson has a reputation for delegating tasks and leveraging virtual assistants to handle various aspects of his business and personal life. With an estimated net worth of just under $3 billion and control of over 400 companies, Richard clearly knows a thing or two about the value in accessing high calibre business support. 
4. Tony Robbins: motivational speaker and life coach.  
Arguably the most famous life coach on the planet Tony has mentioned the use of virtual assistants to manage his calendar and general administrative tasks. Because even world-famous coaches have admin! 
Virtual Assistant Maidenhead
5. Chris Ducker: author and entrepreneur. 
Chris Ducker is an advocate for outsourcing and using virtual assistants in business. In his book "Virtual Freedom" virtual CEO Ducker states that entrepreneurs often suffer from ‘’superhero syndrome"—the very common misconception that to be successful, business owners must do everything themselves. 
Virtual Assistant Reading
6. Michael Hyatt: An author, speaker, and leadership expert. 
Michael Hyatt has discussed the benefits of using virtual assistants to increase productivity and move away from the endless and tiresome hustle often associated with big companies. Hyatt, then working as the CEO of a $250 million publishing company, developed a plan to enable him and in turn others to succeed at work without sacrificing his personal priorities and the demanding toll of his overall quality of life. 
The utilisation of virtual assistants is not a well kept secret among many successful individuals, and many other famous people might also use such services to streamline their lives and focus on their core tasks and projects. 
As Brene Brown famously quoted, "we don’t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to". 
For more information about our award-winning virtual assistant services for entrepreneurs and small enterprising businesses, or to learn more about Virtual Assistant franchise opportunities with Alchemy please get in touch with the Alchemy VA family. 
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