Virtual PA Franchise
We are delighted to share that Alchemy VA has received a number of nominations in the national Virtual Franchising Awards 2021 sponsored by Barclays and the Quality Franchise Association. 
We have also been selected to be on the shortlist for the 'New Franchisor of the Year' Award! 
The Virtual Assistant franchise element to our business was launched in late 2019 and whilst it’s been an immensely challenging year, the Alchemy VA family have all gone above and beyond to achieve so much together. Having launched three Virtual Assistant franchise Hubs in 2020, expanded the support functions at our head office and most importantly, continuing to offer high calibre admin, marketing and PA support to our growing, entrepreneurial and inspirational client base during incredibly uncertain and demanding times. 
Virtual Assistant Services Chorley
“I launched my Alchemy Virtual Assistant franchise Hub in the summer, as the first national lockdown was lifting in Lancashire. 
I have a degree in business and (having ran my own business before) to me the risks that came by investing into a young franchise were far outweighed by the rewards. 
The holistic support the whole Alchemy VA team provide is a big part of that and in my opinion what has made my new Virtual Assistant business venture so rewarding, fulfilling and successful. 
As a virtual business, it seems very apt that we would be finalists in a virtual awards program. I’m wishing all the shortlisted franchise businesses 
the very best of luck!” 
- Eloise Robb, Senior Hub Manager - Chorley, Lancashire. 
We’ve been honoured with a lot of business awards recognition this year and the whole Alchemy Virtual Assistant family are very excited to (virtually and safely!) celebrate all the finalists and winners when they’re announced on 29th January 2021. 
To explore Alchemy's Virtual Assistant franchise opportunities, pop us an email to request an information pack and book on our next online discovery discussion. 
Or, if your curious about how an Alchemy Virtual Assistant could benefit you and your business, get in touch. We’d be delighted to chat about what stresses you out and slows you down.  
Virtual Assistant Franchise
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