NEWS - The Diary of an Alchemy Virtual Assistant
Posted on 10th July 2020 at 12:00
It's not always sunshine and rainbows. Some days its more burpees and fires! Have a snoop at what our Sarah Damani gets up to on the not so average day…
What I love most about being a Virtual Assistant is that no two days are the same and that every day has new challenges. Meaning that I have an opportunity to learn and grow to be the best I can be for me, my family and my awesome clients.
Suzy always tells me in our regular catch up calls and mentoring sessions that I am an infectiously positive person, that I dive straight into a new challenge eager to learn and improve. That’s just my way, but I think that’s part of what makes running my own Virtual Assistant business work so well for me.
So here we go, an ‘average’ day at Alchemy VA…
Wake up, get dressed and do some exercise.
Today I did the online gym workout with ShireFit - it felt like death by burpee’s. Although I am sure that’s more the workout name than the workout itself!
7.15am – 9am
Make breakfast and lunches for my boys before dropping them off at school. I am a retained fire fighter so during the lockdown being on call for the fire service meant that my boys could attend school. They have been really enjoying the smaller class sizes and lunchtime is always the highlight of the day!
Jump in the shower and get myself ready for the day ahead.
I like to dress for work and put some makeup on for two main reasons. Firstly, because it makes me feel good and helps me step into my work mindset. Secondly, because we can’t always rely on the Zoom filter to work that hard!
Today I took the opportunity to enjoy a little coffee and breakfast in the garden whilst I caught up on my emails and spent some time preparing for a client call. The sunshine is glorious… although I must say the birds are particularly noisy today!
11.30am – 12.40pm
Time for the first client call of the day, we discuss progress on an exciting ongoing project. I also have a meeting with one of my Virtual Assistant team – we discuss the work she has done so far and agree and handover a few other tasks that need focusing on.
I am militant with my diary and schedule everything so that I feel prepared and in control of my workflow and tasks. I have allocated time to complete a few client tasks before preparing for my second client call of the day. Being in control of my schedule means that I can ensure that I am at my best and can give my clients my complete focus.
My oncall beeper goes off so I have to rush to the fire station.
It was a false alarm so I return home to continue with my day!
It’s time to collect the boys from school. This always entails me trying in vain to get said kids to actually tell me something (anything!) about their day… When we get home, it’s time to sort out snacks. Top parenting tip – ensure you have plenty of exciting snacks in the house that the kids can help themselves to!
Whilst said snacks are being demolished, I get my head straight on what is left of my to do list. I need to check the email accounts that I manage, schedule in some new social media posts as well as conducting some engagement activities.
I have a call with a great new contact who wants to explore working with a professional Virtual Assistant. It went very well and I make a note of what we’ve agreed to follow up on tomorrow.
I make dinner for kids and ask about their days… again – they do tend to talk more when their bellies are full! I love cooking but I won’t eat with the boys tonight. Chinese takeaway is on the agenda for later… hey, I did work out this morning.
Quality family time. For us today it means we sit down together and play computer games. I have no idea what a ‘noob’ is or what ‘building 90’s’ is on Fortnite or why on earth they do a silly dance when you throw a disco bomb at one another?! But I am really good at defeating the indominus rex on Jurassic Park. MUM SKILLS!
Bed time… well, it should be but who am I kidding!? The boys mess about, play with Kobe (our puppy) and generally run rings around me whilst I lay on the bed desperately willing them to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
They’re asleep! The house is peaceful and calm. My husband and I enjoy our takeaway together and talk. My husband is a little more forthcoming with what he got up to that the kids! After dinner, I spend a bit of time taking care of few emails, scheduling in some 121’s following networking meetings and following up on a few new enquiries. That being said, I do generally schedule these types of emails to be sent first thing in the morning as I know not everyone has the same working patterns as me.
I always make sure I have a little time to myself each day. I usually like to read a few pages of a good book or zone out watching Netflix. I am currently re-reading the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and I’ve just finished watching White Lines
Time to recharge. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…
Get in touch with Sarah to learn more about what makes our Virtual Assistant services for entrepreneurs and small enterprising businesses so impactful.
01604 312195
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