NEWS - Is hiring a Virtual Assistant worth it?
Posted on 2nd January 2021 at 17:48
We know that every smart, ambitious business owner can benefit from the support a professional Virtual Assistant in some capacity. Our wonderful clients tell us it’s not always about having the extra time and focus freed up to generate more income. Sometimes it’s about striking a healthier, happier business/life blend or simply plugging skill gaps within your business in a flexible, low commitment way.
Integrity is our number one core value and if we don’t think we can make a real impact to a client, we will say. So, let’s lean in to that integrity now and go over some of the main pros and cons of working with a professional Virtual Assistant so you can make up your own mind...

A flexible staffing solution - scale up or down your Virtual Assistant support to suit your business needs
Low commitment - there's no scary HR stuff to worry about
Cost effective - there's also no need to stress about arranging equipment, holiday pay, pension contributions, training, office space, employment contracts, subscriptions etc.
A great Virtual Assistant is also a savvy business owner - which means you can benefit from tapping into their connections and networks
Your Virtual Assistant will have true and unparalleled vested interest in your business from a commercial perspective
They'll also become a trusted advocate of your brand
Pay your Virtual Assistant for 100% productivity - no time or pounds wasted chatting at the water cooler or making coffee
A professional Virtual Assistant will also bring extra skills, experience and a removed perspective to the party
It’s a commitment in terms of both money and time
The best Virtual Assistant in the world will still need some level of instruction and guidance on how you expect things handled and why
The communication and instruction will be ‘top loaded’ at the start of the relationship so you’ll need to have some headspace to commit
Your Virtual Assistant will work 'virtually' and won’t be sitting in your office every day. So, there’ll be no physical popping over to their desk to discuss a task. But there are obviously many other ways to communicate...
If you do have an office and you work best physically around people. You may wish to spend some time considering if your specific needs can be met virtually
A Virtual Assistant will have other clients too. Now, this isn’t to say that your business needs won’t be top priority but a professional Virtual Assistant won’t be at your beck and call 24/7

Most of our clients benefit from around 15 hours Virtual Assistant support per month. If you’re utterly bogged down and have the facilities, it’s well worth doing a more comprehensive ‘pros and cons’ list on hiring an employee vs. a virtual assistant specifically for your business.
You might like to take a look at one of our past blog posts - is my business ready for a Virtual Assistant?
Regardless how you chose to acquire the admin support your business deserves, the thought of letting go of things can seem a bit overwhelming...
Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a control freak and/or perfectionist - show us a business owner that isn’t! All important practical coniderations such as confidentiality, cyber security and data protection aside, virtual working needs commitment and trust from both parties.
You might like to read a piece our founder wrote for GoDaddy - exploring building business relationships built on trust.
In our experience, there's rarely a 'right time' but working with a professional Virtual Assistant is a great investment if you’re focused on scaling your business and staying sane.
To learn more about our award winning Virtual Assistant services for entrepreneurs and small enterprising businesses please get in touch. Or to discover more about our Virtual Assistant franchise opportunities.
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