NEWS - Alchemy VA supports The Lewis Foundation
Posted on 12th February 2020 at 07:27
Northamptonshire based Virtual Assistant company Alchemy Virtual Assistance proudly announces The Lewis Foundation as their chosen charity for 2020.
Northampton based charity The Lewis Foundation was founded by Lorraine and Lee Lewis in 2016. The volunteer run organisation provides free gift packs (such as puzzle books, radios and model craft kits) to adults receiving treatment for cancer in hospital.
Their aim is to keep people occupied during their treatment, to take their mind off thinking about cancer and give people something nice to look forward to. Volunteers also spend time with the gift recipients to help reduce isolation and loneliness.
The Lewis Foundation provide approximately 2,500 gifts a month to Northampton General Hospital, Kettering General Hospital, BMI Three Shires Northampton, Milton Keynes University Hospital Trust, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Bedford Hospital and Luton & Dunstable Hospital.

“I’ve been inspired by the phenomenal work the Lewis Foundation do for some time and when I met Lorraine, I just knew we had to do what we could to support her and the team.
It’s absolutely incredible to see the foundation getting the recognition it so much deserves with all the recent awards and accolades. They’ve certainly gone from strength to strength and we hope that by donating our time to the charity we can free up Lorraine to carry on doing the important work she does so well.”
- said Suzy Sanders, Founder of Alchemy Virtual Assistance
The Alchemy Virtual Assistant Team are supporting the charity with various aspects to their social media activities. Raising awareness of the Foundation, it’s supporters and team of volunteers is the primary focus.
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