VA TIPS - Three game changing things I’ve gained from having a Mentor
Posted on 6th December 2018 at 00:59
“If you ask any successful businessperson, they will always (say they) have had a great mentor at some point along the road.” – Richard Branson
Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.
Oprah Winfrey has one. As does Bill Gates. Richard Branson and even Ed Sheeran.
I engaged with my current Mentor back in the summer. Our relationship is built on trust, respect, understanding and a mutual drive for success.
So, here are three game changing things that I’ve gained from this relationship:
1. Innovation - By continuing to invest in my own professional development I’m continuing to learn and evolve. Sharing experiences and talking about current challenges with my Mentor opens me to new practical solutions and fresh ideas. Seeking counsel from someone more experienced allows you to strengthen your problem solving ‘muscle’ and helps you form innovative ideas and more importantly, identify strategies to successfully implement them. Successful Business Women, like my mentor, know exactly how to adapt and they can inspire this behaviour in others. By having the right conversations, learning new skills and making the right changes, you are ensuring that you remain in demand and one leap ahead of the competition.
2. Increased confidence and motivation – Let’s face it, us humans are hard-wired for praise. Recognition releases those ‘happy chemicals’ in our brains and the endorphin buzz is even BIGGER when we receive praise from someone we respect. This all does wonders to keep that motivation tank topped up. It’s not just the impartial advice that’s been such a game changer for me, it’s the encouragement that’s really made a positive impact to my Virtual Assistant business. By pragmatically highlighting weaknesses and strengths, my Mentor helps me foster self-awareness, increase my self-confidence and self-belief.
3. Perspective - Taking time out to work ON your business not IN it is crucial. Mentoring facilitates regular evaluation of what I’m doing and allows me to gain fresh perspectives on things. It’s the ideal opportunity to reflect on my own behaviour and business practices. By sharing experiences with my Mentor, it brings me a wise, yet removed, perspective. By absorbing a Mentors knowledge and experience it can help me adopt fresh perspectives to a whole host of practical and emotional challenges.
The benefits of mentoring don’t just stop when you’re up to capacity with clients for your Virtual Assistant business. You’re NEVER too experienced or ‘high up’ to learn from others!
Have you been mulling over whether Virtual Assistant Mentoring could REALLY benefit you? Why not grab a coffee, hop on a free Chemistry Call with me and find out?
It's really important to work with the right people and this informal call is the perfect way for us both to figure out if the chemistry is right to form a successful Virtual Assistant Mentoring relationship.
What have you got to lose?
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