Retreating back so you can look ahead
Posted on 8th November 2018 at 08:00
Back in September I set off to the New Forest with an open heart and mind for my first ever weekend Retreat.
I don’t generally buy into the ‘busy’ culture. I don’t feel the ‘busy badge’ of honour so many of us seek is sustainable or healthy.
I much prefer a slower, more simple life...
But in reality the demands of a family, a home and a rapidly expanding business do keep me busy.
It’s been so full on here recently with both the business and my personal life. I was more than ready to switch off and recharge my batteries!
It was an incredibly restorative, nourishing, empowering and inspiring weekend. It was a little emotional at times too but I feel very privileged to have spent time in a beautiful place with some incredibly inspiring, strong and hilarious women.
I learned so much!
We covered things like: mindset, the power of your thoughts, the mind-body connection, nutrition, self-care strategies, the use of affirmations, the subconscious and conscious mind, mindfulness techniques, stress and it’s impact on the body... Plus, we enjoyed some glorious yoga and meditation sessions.
I even enjoyed ten hours solid sleep one night. The first uninterrupted nights rest in as long as I can remember!
What struck me more than anything was that I’d never met the other women on the retreat yet somehow they all felt like dear friends. We all faced the same challenges, in various forms. We all shared similar values and views. We had all been drawn to this retreat seeking sanctuary and some time to replenish.
This thought blew me away and I can’t tell you how incredible it was to be with a group of strangers and be completely accepted.
No judgement, no criticism.
As corny as it is, your vibe really does attract your tribe. And more importantly, when you’re with your tribe magical things happen!
You learn and grow, gaining comfort, confidence and strength. You discover new creative ideas and fresh perspectives.
Retreating doesn’t have to be a weekend away. A morning of reflection in your favourite coffee shop can be equally as beneficial.
What ever your budget and schedule, I urge you to make time to retreat back so that you can look ahead.
If you’re still looking for your Virtual Assistant tribe, join our free Facebook community here.
Click here to find out more about retreats..
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