Ed Purnell - The Franchised
Posted on 27th April 2021 at 10:29
A lot can change in a year...
Join Suzy Sanders, Founder of Alchemy Virtual Assistance, in honouring, celebrating and sharing empowering, challenging and inspiring real stories of the fast-paced, turbulent roller coaster ride of self-employment.
Raw, honest and unfiltered...
The process of starting and growing a business isn't always simple, straightforward forward or easy!
The abundant possibilities of what the coming year will hold is what is keeps our heads in the clouds and our feet firmly on the ground. And that is exactly what we’re here to honour - the battles lost and won, personal and practical and the infinite entrepreneurial possibilities...
Join us, let's dive in and chat with Ed Purnell from Expense Reduction Analysts and The Franchised...
A little more about Ed...
Ed Purnell is a sales and marketing professional and current international Franchise Recruitment Manager for Expense Reduction Analysts, who through personal experience and missed opportunities has developed a passion for all things franchising.
As host of The Disenfranchised podcast and Founder of thefranchised.com Ed is now on a mission to show the franchising industry in a different light, helping people to understand that franchising is an option that everyone should consider for their career.
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